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Promote Timeless eBooks The Mega Bundle!

Colossal Collection Of Over 5000 Meticulously Digitized Classical Works From The Golden Years!

The Timeless Classics Mega Bundle is an immense assembly of over 5000 classical masterpieces from the golden years, carefully digitized for your convenience. With full customization options, you can edit every book to your heart’s content, or use the power of AI to rewrite these into new version!

Say goodbye to copyright concerns—every eBook in this collection comes with unrestricted PLR (Private Label Rights), offering a seamless path to fulfill your entrepreneurial ambitions.

High Quality Value Packed Product

FULL PLR Included!

Get Your Affiliate Link Below!

Join The Launch!

The Famous SuperGoodProduct Guarantees:


Naked Link Guarantee, we truly appreciate your support and want you to make as much money from our launch, so we always mail with naked links in all our launches because we do not want to be a competitor to our affiliates. And many product vendors no longer do this!


Solid product backed with robust support, we have good track record of low refund rate across the board for all our products and services. We take good care of our customers making sure the commission that was paid to you remains in your account!


Optimized sales funnel for super profits, the OTOs are packed with only the most relevant upsells and designed to be a “must upgrade” for the customers ensuring your super profits (big commission).


No annoying pop up or any distraction on our sales page to steal leads from you or to distract prospective customers. (eg those pop up with free stuffs giveaway to steal your customer emails, nope we don’t do that here!)


Reliable vendor that have solid track record and have been in this business for more than 8 years and that’s us! We never mail internally before launch and always mail naked without bonuses ensuring our launch is always a fair game for everyone.


Our solid reciprocation, we work with our JV partners and reciprocate without questions! (As long product fits)

Introducing the

Timeless eBooks


The Timeless Classics Mega Bundle is a colossal collection of over 5000 meticulously digitized classical works.

Plus, full customization is at your fingertips with fully editable Word files for every book.

No copyright headaches here! Every eBook comes with unrestricted PLR rights, turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality!

Here’s Why Timeless eBooks Mega Bundle Is YOUR Golden Ticket!

Discover the breadth of World’s biggest collection of 5000 classical pieces, all digitized and waiting for you to profit!

From philosophy to poetry, we’ve got all categories covered! Imagine a cloud of categories to showcase the vast array!

We did the hard part, scanning and digitizing every book. You’re free to edit and tailor them to your unique vision!

Unrestricted PLR means these books are your launching pad to limitless profit potential!

And did you know with the POWER OF AI THESE DAYS you can easily repurpose these classic into brand new to resonate with new buyers?


Use cutting-edge AI technology to transform these classical works into brand-new, unique content! Convert them into modern-day stories, blog posts, or even generate video scripts.

Imagine turning Plato’s “Republic” into an online course or series of podcasts, all curated and organized by AI!

Blend multiple classics to create new e-books or articles, without breaking a sweat!

And so many more!

Here are just a sampling of the classics you’ll find inside:

What can you do with these 5000 timeless books?


Utilize them to craft new books.


Produce printed copies for a tangible book experience.


Transform them into captivating audio books.


Establish a book membership platform!


Offer an on-demand printing service for these books.


Categorize and resell them based on genres.


Enhance their appeal by converting them into story-based audio books.


Develop a membership program focused on classic literature or any preferred genre.


Reuse the content to create concise, short story-based books.


Fashion slideshow-based narratives from timeless literature.


Collaborate with illustrators to create visually stunning graphic novels based on the books.


Adapt the books into screenplay format for potential film or television adaptations.


Develop interactive e-books with multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and quizzes.


Create a podcast series that delves into the themes and analysis of the books.


Launch a digital platform for aspiring writers to submit their works inspired by the books.


Translate the books into different languages to reach a broader audience.


Design interactive online courses or workshops that explore the themes and lessons of the books.


And much more!

Get your affiliatelink below!

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In order to qualify for the prize, you must have made the minimum number of sales listed above. Otherwise, your payout will be based on your total FE commissions. For instance, if you make $100 in equivalent FE commissions and you are in top 1, but the prize is $300, you will receive $100, equivalent to your FE commission. You cannot, however, win more than the advertised prize.

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I pop up in top 10 across MANY leaderboards and I can reciprocate your launch hard as long you promote mine hard!

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Skype “supermanwarrior” or shoot us an email below….

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